Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships
Use the form to apply for a Scholarship.
Home groups and individuals kindly contribute scholarships in one of two ways:
-Named Scholarships are $40 each and designated for a specific person at the time of contribution
-General Scholarship Fund contributions can be made for $10 and up, to be distributed to those that have applied through the Convention Website.
A scholarship is the $40 event registration fee for the 3 day Convention.
It provides access to all the speakers, workshops and convention programs.
~~Note: Hotel rooms and meals are not included in the scholarship.
Those with financial circumstances that prevent them from attending the convention.
We cannot guarantee that all applicants will receive a scholarships.
Notification of scholarships will happen the first week of February.
Scholarships are notified by email or phone and must be confirmed by February 23.
Scholarships contributed after the first week of February will be assigned as we receive them. Any scholarships not assigned during the registration period will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis at the convention.
If we do not receive confirmation from you during the time frame specified in your email, we will offer the scholarship to the next person on the list.
Be sure to CHECK YOUR EMAIL AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. If you know that you don’t check your email regularly, or simply prefer to be notified by telephone, INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER on your application.
Ways you can help fund Scholarships
As in prior years, we are providing TWO WAYS you can to make a financial contribution.
- Designate the Scholarship to a Specific Person (provide their name/information).
- Contribute to the General Scholarship Fund (distributed to those who apply for a Scholarship).
Please use the form below to make your contribution.